[ID: A decorative flyer for GivingTuesday that says "Together we give." GivingTuesday is on November 29, 2022. There is a picture of a globe along with GivingTuesday's logo and ADWAS' logo.]
$8,210 of $10,000 raised
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Why is GivingTuesday important?

In a world consumed by advertisements and selling products, the end of November marks one of the busiest times to be shopping. While it’s a great time to score deals and buy gifts for loved ones, Charity’s have been left behind in the season of giving. That’s why GivingTuesday was created – to encourage communities to donate to their favorite nonprofits and spread the power of good!

It’s a simple idea: whether it’s making someone smile, helping a neighbor or stranger out, showing up for an issue or people we care about, or giving some of what we have to those who need our help, every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to contribute toward building the better world we all want to live in.

Why Give to ADWAS?

Everyone has their why. For some, they know what it’s like to be a Survivor and want to support others who are going through the same experience. For others, they might feel passionate about stopping the cycle of violence in the world. For Dr. Kent Schafer, Board Member, he loves to see other Deaf folks thrive, despite the barriers that society places on Deaf individuals. Kaylie, our Program & Admin Support Staff, has a passion to help others!

Video Description: Middle aged white male with glasses, thin beard with white patches.

Transcript: Hello! I’m Dr. Kent Schafer (Sign Name). Today I’m sharing my WHY with you all. When I was a small child, skilled professionals would look down at me, knowing that I’m deaf. And they would say “Oh he’s Deaf, sorry, his success is limited.” I was shocked! But I thrived, healed, and moved forward in life. I was a student, surviving, navigating through life’s experiences. I collected knowledge, and now in turn share my knowledge with others and challenge other Deaf folks to do the same. That is my inspiration and reward is when Deaf thrive! When your WHY is big, you will find your HOW.
[VD: A young woman with white skin, curly brown medium hair and green eyes.

Transcript: I joined ADWAS because I’ve always felt motivated to help people!]

Help us reach our goal!

Fundraising has been tough this year, and ADWAS is no exception. We have served 77 Deaf, DeafBlind, and DeafDisabled Survivors this year alone, which includes our 19 Supportive Housing Units and our Emergency Shelter. Our services include Advocacy, Therapy, Housing, and Outreach. Support would not be possible without our community involvement. Will you help us reach our 5k goal to continue providing these crucial services? It’s not too early to pledge your support today! 

If you are unable to give money this year, there are other ways to give! Consider signing up as a volunteer, donating items we are in need of, or gifting your skills & services. Find all the Ways to Give here!